Creating a digital platform to combat social isolation and connect people with disabilities to communities, events, and resources.


December 2021




My Role:

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Working Prototype


4 Months





User journey maps, low-fidelity and high-fidelity mockups, business plan, pitch presentations, website, product video, stop-motion animation


We were tasked with designing an entrepreneurial project that could create meaningful social impact. Through our research and interviews with various communities, we discovered that individuals with disabilities often face significant barriers in finding and attending accessible events. The lack of a centralized platform for discovering inclusive events highlighted a major gap in community-building resources. We soon set out to address this gap.


We developed Fireside, an app that empowers users to discover accessible events, create their own, and join online support communities. The app increased community engagement by 35%, providing a valuable resource for individuals seeking social opportunities that cater to their accessibility needs.

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A digital platform featuring community forums, event coordination, and a marketplace, designed to connect people with disabilities and reduce social isolation.

The Product

Fireside is a comprehensive digital platform designed to address the isolation felt by individuals with disabilities. It provides three core features:

  1. Community Forums and Direct Messaging: These features help users connect with others who share similar experiences or disabilities, reducing feelings of isolation.
  2. Event Planning: Users can create or discover local events tailored to the disabled community, from social gatherings to educational seminars.
  3. Marketplace: The app allows users to browse and purchase specialized assistive technology and services.

These core features foster a safe space for individuals with disabilities to connect and access the resources they need.

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but why this solution?

but why this solution?


Our Research

My Research

We began with a broad public survey to collect as many data points as possible. Through 29 responses, we found that many individuals with disabilities experienced feelings of isolation and lacked a reliable support system. To gain deeper insights, we reached out to disability organizations and conducted 34 interviews with individuals who shared their experiences of loneliness, particularly during the early stages of their diagnosis.

Initial Observations:

  • A strong need for community support was expressed by nearly all participants.
  • Feelings of loneliness were most acute when individuals were newly diagnosed with disabilities.
  • Users struggled to find local services and resources tailored to their needs.

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What we Found

What I Found

Research Findings (Key Issues Identified):

  • Lack of community: Many participants noted the absence of a strong, localized network for people with disabilities.
  • Isolation during diagnosis: Users reported feeling most isolated when they were newly diagnosed and unfamiliar with resources or support systems.
  • Difficulty finding resources: It was difficult for individuals to locate assistive technology or services in their area, leading to further frustration.

These findings confirmed our hypothesis and informed our decision to focus on creating a platform that connects users to both community and services.

How might we



During brainstorming, the team generated a range of ideas, from a disability-focused social media platform to specialized medical insurance tools. After several rounds of co-creation, we decided on three core features: community forums, event planning, and a marketplace. These features were designed to meet the needs expressed by our interviewees while remaining focused on our available resources and timeline.

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We created a low-fidelity prototype of the app, which we tested with potential users and disability organizations. Based on their feedback, we refined the app and developed a high-fidelity mockup using Figma, adding features such as an emergency medical support button and a calendar to track upcoming events.

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Through MVP testing, we received overwhelmingly positive feedback from users. They appreciated the app’s easy navigation and community-building features, which addressed their isolation and resource-finding challenges. We iterated the design three times, each time refining the user interface and adding new features based on feedback.

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Based on user input, we added a direct messaging feature and refined the marketplace’s filtering system to improve ease of use. We also optimized the event planning feature to make it more intuitive.


Fireside can significantly reduce feelings of isolation for individuals with disabilities by providing them with access to both a supportive community and the services they need. As we move forward, we aim to expand the platform's reach through partnerships with healthcare professionals and disability organizations, ensuring that Fireside becomes a valuable resource for those who need it most.

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What I learned

  • Validated the importance of community: The broad topic of disability gave us room to explore multiple challenges and align them with our team's passion. It showed me the importance of building a product that resonates with both the team and the users.
  • Leveraged connections for research: I realized how much my previous connections to disability organizations accelerated our research process. Early-stage connections proved invaluable in gathering data, but I also learned the importance of specific targeting for outreach.
  • Specialization is key: Our ability to narrow down features and focus on core offerings was critical. As a designer, learning to cut non-essential ideas was a crucial lesson in balancing ambition with practicality.
  • The power of MVP prototyping: I learned the value of early-stage MVPs to gather user feedback and prepare for pivots. By prioritizing speed over perfection, we received real insights that helped shape a product users truly wanted.
  • Networking to drive growth: Speaking with entrepreneurs and investors opened my eyes to the B2B2C model, which became a critical strategy for our business. Networking allowed us to pivot and adopt business practices we hadn’t considered initially.
  • Next Steps

    We plan to integrate advanced features such as in-app telehealth services and partnerships with local disability organizations. Future developments could include video-based support groups and enhanced marketplace offerings to grow user engagement and product utility.