CHOP Wayfinding
Improving patient and staff experiences.
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
This is some text inside of a div block.
My Role
Design Strategist, Human Factors Engineer, UX Researcher
Project Duration
4 Months
Awesome Team MemberS
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Seconds can save lives.

How can we improve medical staff experiences, and as such, patient experiences by eliminating unforeseen delays?



We were tasked by the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's (CHOP) Quality and Health Analytics department to resolve wayfinding issues for the CHOP Cardiology (study of the heart) department after their move from the CHOP Main building to the brand new CHOP Buerger building. Due to this transition, staff had to relearn important locations such as equipment rooms, testing areas, and staff workspaces. These "moments of learning" quickly turned into time wasted trying to find the right location, and these delays directly impacted patient wait times.

Research Phase 1


Over the span of two weeks, the team observed staff and patients in the cardiology department. We specifically focused on the flow of people as well as the moments of confusion, such as when someone would stop to ask for help in looking for something. Additionally, we interviewed at least one members from each team and specialty within the department. From this, we identified 6 major reoccurring issues:

Insight: Speaking with every team and specialty within the department was extremely insightful, as we were given the opportunity to see different perspectives on singular issues.

Problem Identification


The Cardiology department sees up to 80 patients a day. 80 patients may not seem much, but when you take into consideration that a single cardiology test/exam may take more than an hour to complete and that a single patient may have to complete multiple tests, you soon realize that 80 patients is a momentous task to see within a normal workday. With medical personnel overworked and understaffed, short delays are major issues and with hour+ long exams for 80 patients, each delay significantly adds up. Below are some of the issues we identified.



After an extended discussion of how we can condense and categorize our multitude of problems, we came up with a 2 pronged "How Might We" statements.



These were our initial ideas.



We discussed at length with our clients on our ideas and decided to focus on the waiting area themes, hallway indicators, and check-out signage. Additionally they suggested us look into patient tracking, which we dug into during our next few observation sessions. Afterwards, we came up with an updated "How Might We?":

How might we navigate patients and staff to be in the right place at the right time?



After speaking with our clients, we began to flesh out our ideas and actually fully prototyped our short term solutions of the hallway signs, check-out signs, and waiting area themes. We implemented these solutions for an entire week at the Cardiology department and afterwards interviewed users to gather feedback.

Insight: Sometimes the best solutions are the simplest. Because of this, we had the opportunity to quickly prototype compared to other teams. We also left our prototype up for an entire week, continuously collecting feedback which was invaluable.
Final Designs
4 unique ways to improve patient and staff experiences!

Waiting Room Themes

A colorful and fun redecoration of the waiting room spaces, to clarify the separate testing and provider waiting areas to reduce confusion.

Hallway + Check-Out Signage Designs

Signs which display the room numbers, hallway colors, and check out direction in addition to a massive check-out sign. These allow for quick identification of target destinations.

MyCHOP App Features

A system which shows the progression of a patient's appointment schedule. This allows patients to see the current queue time and wait time, so they can appropriately make informed decisions regarding staying in the waiting room.


A printable QR Code given to patients and are scanned every time a patient begins or finishes a test. This system automatically updates patient status and also allows patients to see their progress through the previous solution of the MyCHOP app.